Students needing textbooks in an alternate format should please see your Disability Access Counselor before making their purchases. 336-334-4822 ext. 50157 or
ADA Compliance: GTCC and the NCCCS are committed to providing access to facilities and reasonable accommodations in the instructional process, in compliance with section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. In accordance with the November 19th, 2014 Memorandum from Dr. Scott Ralls, Ph. D., NCCCS System, the NCCCS initiated a 5 year plan for web and e-learning ADA compliance. In addition the NC General Assembly passed Senate Bill 866 in 2001 making accessibility a state requirement.
Combined this means that people with disabilities shall not be discriminated against and that equivalent experiences and services should be integrated into the learning process. Please contact your publisher or Disability Access Services at GTCC for more information.
Technology Compatibility: If you are adopting digital course materials that students will need to access in one of GTCC's computer labs, you must contact ITS to make sure the software is compatible with our labs at each campus. You should also verify that it is compatible with the Bookstore's Laptop and Tablet programs for students. This ensures that students are not being required to purchase materials which they then could not access. For the ITS you can contact and for the Bookstore please call or stop by the Titan Tech Center at extension 50050, located in front of the Jamestown Bookstore, Medlin building.
For more information and assistance, please contact"
Libbie McPhaul-Moore
Director, eLearning
Guilford Technical Community College
James Williams Hall, 100-B, Jamestown Campus
Direct: 336.334.4822 ext. 50060