Food Trucks on Campus


GTCC's "Green Machine" is a mobile classroom!  You will find our Faculty and Students who operate the Green Machine out on campus at various times operating as a class learning lab and serving up some incredible dishes!  Check with Student Life for times, dates and locations.  Watch for postings on this website, our social media sites and flyers posted around campus. 

LOCAL FOOD TRUCKS ON CAMPUS - Follow us on social media for updates on upcoming food trucks!

GTCC hosts LOCAL FOOD TRUCKS to support Student Life and Special Events throughout the year. Check out our  Calendar | The Jamestown Campus Store and we also post to our social media and place signs in the stores for upcoming Truck Dates.  Students, Faculty, Staff and community members can also use the StreetFoodFinder App to see when they will be on campus or look for information on our social media sites or flyers on campus.  We offer a variety of trucks/menus and most are centered on big event dates on campus.  We also offer food/beverage options in the Greensboro, High Point and Jamestown store locations and vending options in or around most buildings at all campuses.   

 Find Food Trucks in Greensboro NC | Street Food Finder